1. Banking and credit inquiries

    2. Sources that Intelligence Officers Depends on

    3. Cases in Which Inquiries are Made

    4. iScore

    5. The Role of Information in the Bank

    6. Types of Cash Facilities

    7. Types of Loans with Various Collateral

    8. Following the Types of Loans with Real Guarantees

    9. Credit sector

    10. Inquiry Officer

    11. Egyptian Credit Bureau

    12. Visit to the Client’s Business Location

    13. Report about Visit to the Client’s Headquarters

    14. Facilities Department

    15. Types of Facilities

    16. Measuring the Liquidity Ratio

    17. Loans with Various Collateral

    18. Loans secured by Machinery Mortgage

    19. Loans secured by paper Currencies

    20. Definition of the Stock Exchange

    21. Types of Loans Secured by paper Currencies

    22. Financial Inclusion

    23. Small and Micro Loans

    24. State Employees Loan