الانتقال إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

المعجون البارز على الكانفاس

جامعة المنصورة

About Texture Based on Canvas Course

“Texture paste and Pouring Techniques on canvas: modern abstract art “ Creativity in the painting can be achieved by drawing with texture paste using paste and a drawing knife. This art adds creative and aesthetic touches to artistic paintings, turning them into aesthetic masterpieces. The Russians and Turks were the first to know this art and became very professional in it. The ceramic paste was the ancient variant of this art.

Texture Paste is a thick, white, matt paste which is used to build up heavy layers of texture. It dries to a matt finish, which is ideal for overpainting with acrylic color. Texture paste can be applied to a wide variety of grease-free surfaces.

You can mix texture paste with paint to change its consistency, in particular, to add surface texture to a painting.It's also cheaper than paint, so adding a texture medium is an economical way to build up thick layers of impasto. You can mix it with a color, or put a layer of the paste down and paint over it.

If the texture paste is applied to a more flexible surface then it should be mixed with acrylic medium . When doing this, it is important to increase the amount of acrylic medium according to the thickness of the paste applied.

In this course we will take a look at a few of the texture painting techniques you can use to make your artworks look special as well as the equipment you will need to create these effects.

This course is designed for beginners to intermediate artists with a desire to learn how to paint impressionist seascapes in acrylics using a simple approach.You will learn how to get started painting easy seascapes and beaches in acrylics. You will learn simple techniques for painting each of the elements that are important to painting good seascapes and beach paintings.

You will learn how to apply gold leaf on canvas. Whether you’re an experienced artist or just trying your hand at something new, you may be wondering how to do this. If you’ve seen paintings and other pieces of art with gold leaf, you know what a dramatic effect it can have on the appearance of the piece. Gold leaf adds shine and texture while also capturing a viewer’s eye and helping them understand the importance of the piece.

Acrylic Paint Pouring is a fluid painting technique used to create art by pouring acrylic paint onto a canvas. Many methods can be used to apply the paint to the canvas, some are more simple and are better for beginners – others are a bit more technical! Here we cover the basics of pouring to get you off to a head start!

The Acrylic Pouring technique allows artists to apply colour in puddles, pools and marble-like patterns. Pouring results in a smooth, glossy paint film that is perfectly even and blemish free. It is particularly popular with beginners as it allows artists to create quick paintings with dramatic, contemporary results. No matter which technique you opt for, you will need to treat your acrylic paint before creating your pours. Treating the paint makes it the right consistency for dripping and pouring and lessens the chances of your paint films cracking and tearing.

Although the technique may look and seem simple, it can be a tricky thing to master. Especially if you don’t know what you are doing! In this blog post we cover the basics of acrylic pouring, so you know what to expect before you get started!

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Dr. Nehal Wafiq El-Adrosy

حول دورة المعجون البارز على الكانفاس

المعجون البارز على الكانفاس: فن تجريدي حديث :
الإبداع في لوحه ما يمكن أن يتحقق بواسطة الرسم التشكيلي البارز بواسطة المعجون وسكين الرسم ، هذا الفن يضفي لمسات إبداعية وجمالية على اللوحات الفنية ليحولها الي تحف جمالية، وقد كان الروسيون والأتراك هم أول من عرف هذا الفن واحترفوا فيه بشكل كبير .أما عجينة السراميك فقد كانت البديل القديم لهذا الفن .

المعجون البارز إسلوب ابداعي لصنع ديكورات حوائط و لوحات باستخدام المعجون البارز للتشكيل و تقنيات مختلفه لعمل ديكورات منازل ولوحات بارزه و فاخره واستخدام ايضا الدهانات الاكليريك في الشكل النهائي .وبأقل التكلفة اصنع ديكور معجون بارز بنفسك فى خطوات سهله

يستخدم المعجون البارز فى العديد من الأعمال الفنية ويكون من المواد الأساسية فيها ولذلك سنتعرف على مادة .المعجون البارز وأستخداماتها

يمكن تطبيق مادة المعجون البارز على أسطح مختلفة مثل والخشب والقماش .

من خلال دورة المعجون البارز على الكانفاس سيتم التعرف على :

مكونات عجينة المعجون البارز الناجحه والادوات المستخدمة لتطبيقها على اللوحة.
كيفية التعامل مع المعجون قبل او بعد تطبيقه.
المشاكل الممكن حدوثها للمعجون وعلاجها.
تطبيق عملي للوحة الاطفال وتلوينها.
تحضير المعجون البارز مع السكر.
تلوين المعجون.
تطبيق عملي للوحة الشاطئ باستخدام المعجون البارز مع السكر.


Course Staff Image #1

د. نهال وفيق العدروسي
